On the Ebay fees page, CODE refers to category (D) on Inventory page. If CODE "ELCTR" for example, it will take LISTING PRICE (X) and add a fee of 8% (H), 12.5% if more than $50 (I), 13.5% if more than $1000 (J), and add $.35 (G).
The Paypal fees (P) refers to the sum of LISTING PRICE and LISTING S&H (X,Y). and charges are 2.9% unless greater than $3000 then its 2.5%plus the constant fee of $.30 per transaction.
Ive added a newer version of this that Ive been working on wherein there are a couple of new rows and product info to work with. My main problem is getting these formulas to work and then being able to apply to each row quickly as I will have several thousand rows to create when Im finished and it would take a very long time to have to keep typing each one out or copy paste and going in and fixing cells. Let me know if you need more info.
Also something i wanted to eventually add was a way to take any active (AB) and generate a printable list. to be active (Q) must be less than (S)