if cell = null, then skip it to the lower cell.
the data is like this:
A36 1
A39 1
and i want to be like this:
without delete the row.
if cell = null, then skip it to the lower cell.
the data is like this:
A36 1
A39 1
and i want to be like this:
without delete the row.
Hello Seroleh, and welcome to the forum.
A few ways to do this:
1. Select the rows that have blanks (if there are not too many) and then right-click on one of the selected rows and choose Hide.
2. Select column A, press F5 then click 'Special...'. Choose 'Blanks' and click OK. Then, on the Home ribbon, in the Cells section, click Format -> Hide and Unhide -> Hide Rows.
3. Use Autofilter. Select column A, then on the Data ribbon (in the Sort & Filter section) click the Filter button. Then click the drop-down arrow that appears in cell A1 and de-select the "Blanks" option.
Hope that helps!
Welcome to the Excel Forum.
Sub HideBlankCells() Range("A36:A39").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Hidden = True End Sub
Have a great day,
Windows 10, Excel 2007, on a PC.
If you are satisfied with the solution(s) provided, please mark your thread as Solved by clicking EDIT in your original post, click GO ADVANCED and set the PREFIX box to SOLVED.
thanks to all repliers, but it is not like that...
erm, i just want a simple code of excel like, if, vlookup, choose, etc.
not the vb, thanks.
It would really help us if you could post your workbook (or a sample) - scroll down and see "Manage Attachments".
And, more precise instructions would also help.
Also, Seroleh, if you don't want a vba response (macro programming code) then don't post your thread in the PROGRAMMING forum.
I've moved this thread to the Excel General forum, but please post in the correct forum in the future so as not to confuse people or use their time on a response that will be immediately rejected.
as attachment...
I hope this solution can help.
see attached amendment.
thanks TonyB51,
it's really helpful.
this is what i want.
ok, sorry...
i'm new guy here...
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