I'm attempting to calculate the difference between the two subtotals both as a value and as a percentage. I am working on a sales report that display the last three months sales, and the sales of the same three months from the year before. I need a subtotal of both sets. Then I need to create calculated fields based off of those subtotals.
Using the pivot table subtotal option isn't available because it will just "group" all 6 months, so I figured out how to make groupings which works just fine. Now I need to create the variance formulas based off of the subtotal of those "groups". You can't create calculated items when there are "groups". The next thing I tried was to ungroup everything and create calculated fields to get the subtotal for each three month period, but it's not subtotaling...it's simply grouping the three columns that I'm trying to get the sum of (relisting each month in a new column).
I need to make this report dummyproof for our sales guys, so I don't want to add any calculations outside of the pivot table. They need to be able to just refresh and print. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.