Can anyone help...
I have a table that is made up of 14 answers from formulas elsewhere in the sheet.
It's like this...
- I input a time manually for 14 footballers...e.g. "91.36" (mins/secs) cells - (F2:F15)
- I then input the distance they have ran during that match e.g. "9100" (metres) - (H2:H15)
- Then in cell "I2" i have the equation "=sum(H2/F2)" running in cells (I2:I15). That then gives me the answer i need and all is fine.
- I then have another table which i have set out in order to sort the 14 footballers in order of who has ran the furthest so written in "J2", i have "=I2".
- The problem is that when i come to sort the data, it doesn't move, and i think it's because this data hasn't been input and that it's a result of a formula.
Can anyone help, it would be much appreciated.