Hello everyone,
I am new here and I have what I think is a complex problem.
Here is what I'm trying to do. This is in excel.
Using indirect data validation.
Using this information:
Material: S.S.
Material Type: Sheet
Gage: 10 Ga.
Weight: 5.67 lbs. per sq. ft.
Cost: $.23 per pound
Combo box1=material ex. (S.S.) ,populates-cb2
Combo box2=material type ex. (Sheet) ,populates-cb3 (won't work)
Combo box3=gage ex. (10 Ga.) ,populates-cell1 & cell 3
Cell1=weight/Unit of measure ex. s.s. sheet 10 ga.=(5.67) lbs./sq. ft.
Cell3=Cost/lb. populated from Combobox3 ex. s.s. sheet 10 ga.=($.23)/lb.
Cell2=weight/piece ((length*width)/144)*cell1
Cell4=weight per unit = Cell2*quantity
Cell5=cost per piece = cell2*cell3
Cell6=cost per unit = cell5*quantity
I hope this makes sense. I'm trying to create a database for pricing material by pound by selecting the material via 3 combo boxes each populating the next and also populating some cells which are used to calculate further down the line. Also, I tried to put this into a table formate so as I hit tab at the end it will add another item. But it looses all of the indirect relations.
What do I need to do to get this to work right. I've tried to do this in access as well and i'm just not good enough at coding like that.