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Excel & cascading combos in a table

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  1. #1
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    Excel & cascading combos in a table

    Hello everyone,

    I am new here and I have what I think is a complex problem.
    Here is what I'm trying to do. This is in excel.
    Using indirect data validation.
    Using this information:

    Material: S.S.
    Material Type: Sheet
    Gage: 10 Ga.
    Weight: 5.67 lbs. per sq. ft.
    Cost: $.23 per pound

    Combo box1=material ex. (S.S.) ,populates-cb2
    Combo box2=material type ex. (Sheet) ,populates-cb3 (won't work)
    Combo box3=gage ex. (10 Ga.) ,populates-cell1 & cell 3
    Cell1=weight/Unit of measure ex. s.s. sheet 10 ga.=(5.67) lbs./sq. ft.
    Cell3=Cost/lb. populated from Combobox3 ex. s.s. sheet 10 ga.=($.23)/lb.
    Cell2=weight/piece ((length*width)/144)*cell1
    Cell4=weight per unit = Cell2*quantity
    Cell5=cost per piece = cell2*cell3
    Cell6=cost per unit = cell5*quantity

    I hope this makes sense. I'm trying to create a database for pricing material by pound by selecting the material via 3 combo boxes each populating the next and also populating some cells which are used to calculate further down the line. Also, I tried to put this into a table formate so as I hit tab at the end it will add another item. But it looses all of the indirect relations.

    What do I need to do to get this to work right. I've tried to do this in access as well and i'm just not good enough at coding like that.
    Last edited by wildmantaz; 05-13-2009 at 02:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert teylyn's Avatar
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    Re: Excel & cascading combos in a table


    you need to have a look at dependent data validation. Flit over to www.contextures.com and look at


    That should get you on the right track without using VBA


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