I have a workbook with a table of names.
I have another workbook with another table, one column of which I wish to populate with the names from the first workbook.

If I reference the table name/column of the source workbook:
If both workbooks are open, everything works perfectly fine. If I only open the secondary workbook, all of the references are what they should be but show an inconsistent calculated column error. If I update the values via the trust bar or links dialog, all of the references throw invalid cell reference errors.

If I reference the cell location (IE $B2) of the source workbook:
The secondary workbook populates and updates fine, but the links dialog box shows "open source to update links".

It appears that I may just have to do cell references as opposed to the table references, but I'd like to do table references for consistency's sake. Is there any way to achieve this?

Thank you for taking the time to view my question and in advance for any assistance.