I have a column with 1 letter in it. I need to write a formula that will look at each cell in that column and assign a numeric value depending on the letter of the alphabet. A & B would be 1, c & d would be 2, e & F would be 3 and so forth up to 10. I used a nested if then, but after about G it stopped working - I believe because it was too nested. The formula is below (I added brackets around each result). Any ideas on how to nest for all 26 letters?
=IF(C3="a","[1]", IF(C3="b","[1]", IF(C3="c","[2]", IF(C3="d","[2]", IF(C3="e","[3]", IF(C3="f","[3]", IF(C3="g","[4]",300)))))))