thx for putting in the effort shg
It's appreciated!
I have a spreadsheet where the goal is to calculate the amount of fuel and fuel bottles to take hiking on trips with me
H2= The amount of fuel in oz.'s I am taking on my trip
I2= A calculation of how many 11oz. bottles to take
J2= A calculation of how many 22oz. bottles to take
K2= A calculation of how many 33 oz. bottles to take
Right now i have:
I2= =IF(H2<11.1,CEILING((H2/I4),1),0)
J2= =IF(H2<22.1,CEILING((H2/J4),1),0)
K2= =IF(H2>22,CEILING((H2/K4),1),0)
I4= 11 (11oz. fuel bottle)
J4= 22 (22oz. fuel bottle)
K4= 33 (33oz. fuel bottle)
The problem, besides the fact that I'm unure how to only count J2 if it's between the two other bottle sizes, is that I want it to cycle between the formuals to pick the smallest bottles possible not just isolating the one bottle size because the total ounces falls into my formula
Therefore the formula in K2 takes full control and sets its value to '2'
What I want it to do is
if H2(the amount of fuel i'm taking) is 37oz. it'll show as following
I2=1 (4oz. within this bottle)
J2=0 (doesn't count because it's not the logical size to take)
K2=1 (33oz. bottle full)
if H2(the amount i'm taking) is 48oz. it'll show as following
I2=0 (doesn't count because it's not the logical size to take)
J2=1 (15oz. within this bottle)
K2=1 (33oz. bottle full)