I am working on a new fixturing system for a Sports Competition.
I have 4 worksheets which are named "5 team fixture", "6 team fixture", "7 team fixture" etc
Each worksheet simply looks like this:
1 | 2
3 | 4
5 | Bye
2 | 4
1 | 5
3 | Bye
On a 5th worksheet "FixtureOptions" I have:
1 | 5 Team Fixture | 5Team (this is the name of the worksheet where this fixture can be found)
2 | 6 Team Fixture | 6Team
3 | 7 Team Fixture | 7Team
On a 6th worksheet "ShowFixture" up the top I have a drop list. This lists shows the 4 different fixture names that can be selected which returns 1 through to 4.
From here I want to lookup the worksheet, and then input into the 6th worksheet the numbers of each game.
It's calling on the worksheet I am unsure of. All my limited knowledge comes up with is in each cell having:
=if(B2=1,'5Team'!A1,if(B2=2,'6Team'!A1... etc
But obviously this is a stupid way of doing it lol - I think I should be able to somehow do:
='NAMEOFWORKSHEET'!A1 but not sure how to lookup and insert name into formula.
Any help in the right direction would be much appreciated! I have attached an example workbook.