I hope I can explain this correctly.
In the sheet I am working on I have some numbers that represent todays activity.
These numbers are volatile and reset when the date advances.
I have a column on another tab that has all the days of the month as F4:F33
The results I want will go in the G4:G33 column.
C2 is Today() to avoid too many Today()s.
Active!J10 is the value I need in the G column.
Basically what I need is the value from Active!J10 to be copied to whichever cell corresponds to the date next to it in the G4:G33 and then stay there when the date advances
The formula I am using for the g range is :
And so on down the column.
I dont mind the FALSES for future dates, but the current one changes to false upon the advancement of the date.
Basically, I need a running log of the final numbers going down the G range and for those values to stay there when the date advances.
Can this be done with formulas or am I gonna have to do this with VBA?
Thanks for any help in advanced.