First of all, my apologies for not knowing all the answers. Second, thank you for them!

Here's what I'm trying to do:

As a part of a multi-step text product name filter, I need to remove any text that shows up within parentheses...including the parentheses. The parenthetical text varies from line to line.

Every time I see "Product 1 is (xyx123) awesome", I need it to spit out "Product 1 is awesome".

Here's what my very busy Excel guru told me:

"It's possible to do. There are a couple of caveats. You will need to make sure that there are not multiple pairs of parenthesis. You will not be able to use the substitute function or other simple functions (that I know of) to make this work.

It will require some logic using the "search" function where you search for the "(" first, then the ")". You will then need to use the text functions "left" and "right" to give you the components outside the parenthesis (left of "(" and right of ")"). Finally, you will need to append those text strings together (use "&") being careful to manage spaces (you could end up putting 2 spaces together which would be hard to detect)."


I comprehend about 25% of this. The person who usually does this stuff for me is sadly not available at the moment.

My spreadsheet is set up as: column a=product name, column b-z=filters.

And example of one of the current filter steps (from column F) that used to remove "@" is: =SUBSTITUTE(E2,"@","")

I hope I've done a decent job of explaining what I need...and that someone can help!

