I need help with creating an advanced workbook using multiple worksheets.
Scenario 1-1). On worksheet 1 (This will be my data information page) I would like to be able to enter a value. Lets say 50,000 in cell A1.
On worksheet 3 I would like to list my reference table. IE
1 30,000 NS - Product 1
2 15,000 GM - Product 2
3 75,000 VP - Product 3
4 50,000 NS - Product 4
On worksheet 2, I would like to show my results. IE I would like the workbook to look at the cell on worksheet 1 that was indicated 50,000 (A1) and find all of the results from worksheet 3 column A that are less than or equal to the value of the cell A1 from worksheet 1 (ie the 50,000 cell) and display them each on seperate rows by what is indicated on worksheet 3 column B.
The result on worksheet 2 in this scenario would be
1 NS - Product 1
2 GM - Product 2
3 NS - Product 4
Scenario 1-2). If the cell A1 value on worksheet 1 was changed to 100,000 then worksheet 2 would display the results of
1 NS - Product 1
2 GM - Product 2
3 VP - Product 3
4 NS - Product 4
Once I get to that level I would like to know if it is possible to add a second "narrow down" search criteria.
For example if I added a second cell on worksheet 1 in which I entered a second search parameter perhaps NS (cell A2) would the formula be able to narrow down first the results from scenario 1-2 (100,000) using A1, then further drill down result to show below on worksheet 2
1 NS - Product 1
2 NS - Product 4
I'm pretty sure this is an array formula using Index and an if formula, a less than or equal to equation and multiple row output over multiple worksheets and I have no clue how to start