As a general suggestion, name your cells!!

I played arround with your formula :-

(I colorcoded your 2 constants below, not sure if they will always be the same) if so it could possibly be simplified further!

It makes it more readable to change!

By naming the variables across the side and top eg k10:q10 as GrossRealisation you can use it in your formula! And still copy between the cells, but its easier to maintain!

also a little math and simplification :-

=ROUND( (((100%-($C$11+$C$12+(1-(1/1.125))))*K$10-$D$10)/(1+$C$15)-(K$11+$J12))*1.125,-3)
With Names:-
=ROUND( (((100%-(SComissPC+MarketingPC+(1-(1/1.125))))*GrossRealisation-LegalPS)/(1+ProfitRiskPC)-(HoldingCosts+DirectCosts))*1.125,-3)