Hello guys,
Iv'e got this formula;
=IF(B57=0,"",IF(B56="","",IF(A56="slakteklar","",IF(B56="slakteklar","slakteklar",IF(A56="sulting","slakteklar",(IF(B54<='Input og output verdier'!$E$13,((B56*(1+B60)^B65)),"sulting")))))))
Now, the part (IF(B54<='Input og output verdier'!$E$13,((B56*(1+B60)^B65)),"sulting"))))))) is accounting for a max value.
But i want the IF B54 to also consider another max value ('Input og output verdier'!$E$12).
So, how do I define this? I guess it will have to be some kind of OR function, bit I do not manage to complete it..