I am quite new to Excel 2007 and currently having problems understanding concept of the new Conditional Formatting rules on Percent. I'm not sure how does the color changes according to the <33 & >67 percent works.
So far, i only understand the basic where i key in numbers from 1 - 100 and give a conditional formatting of traffic light colors. Here i can see that from cell number 34 onwards, it changes to yellow & 68 onwards it's green.
That's 100 cells of numbers but, if i only use 10 cells with different types of numbers, that's where i'm confused how it works. I'm even more confused if i use 2 cells. If each cell is 50 both cells is green, but if one is 49 & the other is 50, cell 49 becomes red.
It's confusing and i'm afraid to use this feature. Hope to get help here.