here are 3 Examples.

54878*7455#,1.00,"BATCH-5-1142@unknown"," ",""," ","","","","",1.00,5,"2 Euros",1007,"Mar 6 2009","Mar 6 2009","Jul 31 2010",360,1142

54544*5487#,1.00,"BATCH-5-1143@unknown"," ",""," ","","","","",1.00,5,"2 Euros",1007,"Mar 6 2009","Mar 6 2009","Jul 31 2010",360,1143

67867*2342#,1.00,"BATCH-5-1144@unknown"," ",""," ","","","","",1.00,5,"2 Euros",1007,"Mar 6 2009","Mar 6 2009","Jul 31 2010",360,1144

So in 1st example this is the PIN number: 54878*7455#
i want to keep this PIN and remove other text in same line.

same like this in 2nd example 54544*5487# this is PIN . but other text in same line should be removed.

How do i do that ?

Thank You so much.