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how to link different dropdown lists

  1. #1
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    how to link different dropdown lists


    Hopefully this will make sense,

    I have a work book that contains various sheets with different information.
    I have two different categories in one of the sheets,1 which contains counties and the other containing districts.I have done a validation for the county which allows me to pick a county from a drop down list which works fine.I would like to create a drop down list for the districts aswell such that when i select i.e southyorkshire from the counties dropdown list,the districts drop down list will bring only districts in southyorkshire,excluding all the other districsts.hopefully i'll like the same to apply to all other counties.

    Please can I get some help on this.
    Last edited by fodeps; 02-27-2009 at 01:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor GuruWannaB's Avatar
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    Re: how to link different dropdown lists

    Here is a spreadsheet that may help you.
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: how to link different dropdown lists

    Quote Originally Posted by fodeps View Post

    Hopefully this will make sense,

    I have a work book that contains various sheets with different information.
    I have two different categories in one of the sheets,1 which contains counties and the other containing districts.I have done a validation for the county which allows me to pick a county from a drop down list which works fine.I would like to create a drop down list for the districts aswell such that when i select i.e southyorkshire from the counties dropdown list,the districts drop down list will bring only districts in southyorkshire,excluding all the other districsts.hopefully i'll like the same to apply to all other counties.

    Please can I get some help on this.
    Check here for a tuturial

    Dependant Lists
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  4. #4
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    Re: how to link different dropdown lists

    I dont know what i'm doing wrong it seems okey as in the first step but when i get to creating the dependant data validation,its not working.i've attached a workbook for you to see
    many thanks in advance
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  5. #5
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: how to link different dropdown lists

    You need to create named ranges for each of those columns... (and make that your permanent table).

    Then the data validation has to be separate (e.g. in another area, sheet)...

    See attached...

    Go to Insert|Name|Define to see how each was named

    Cell H2 is where you select a team

    Then I2 is the dependant list that shows up based on the selection made in H2.
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  6. #6
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    Thumbs up Re: how to link different dropdown lists

    Many thanks it's working now.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: how to link different dropdown lists


    I thought I'd improve on it a bit for you and allow for dynamic ranges...

    so that it doesn't show blanks in your drop down lists and also allows for you to add items to any of the columns and this will update the drop downs automatically....

    See attached.. note the changes in the named ranges and in the formula for data validition in I2.

    Hope this helps more.
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  8. #8
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    Re: how to link different dropdown lists

    Hi I have a similar problem, i wonder if you can help.

    I have two lists.
    List 1 (name) -Dave, Colin, Adam
    List 2 (age) - 18 25 35

    I am trying to work out how to link the two lists so that if someone chooses 'dave' from the first list, the next cell will automatically choose the corresponding age ie.'18'

    Please help,

    Thanks in advance,

    Torch Man

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