What you want maybe able to be done via formulas on the 2nd sheet & using a column in sheet1 to tag the names. If it is possible someone else will need to provide the solution
The following is a method using VBA macro
'These instructions pre typed & are worded to cater for the novice programmer
'To install macro to correct location
'Copy this macro
'GoTo Excel
'Select sheet this is to appy to
'Right Click on Sheet Name Tab (sheet with the 120 names) > select View Code
'Paste macro into the Worksheet Module displayed
The macro works whenever you change an entry in sheet1
It will only copy from sheet 1 to sheet 2 if a number is placed in column A
It copies the values only from sheet1 columns B to F from sheet1 & places them on sheet2 in the row that corresponds to the number entered in sheet1 column A
In the code below change sheet2 to the sheet name of your print sheet
If you need more or less columns copied then change
the "e" in Cells(.Value, "e") to another letter - example "d"
and change the 5 in Offset(0, 5)
or if you are not sure on editing the code reply with what columns you need copied
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
With Target
If .Column = 1 Then
If Not .Value = "" Then
If IsNumeric(.Value) Then
Sheets("sheet2").Range(Cells(.Value, "a").Address, _
Cells(.Value, "e").Address).Value _
= Range(.Offset(0, 1), .Offset(0, 5)).Value
End If
End If
End If
End With
End Sub