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Exporting formulas from UK to Germany

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    Exporting formulas from UK to Germany

    Hi Folks

    I was wondering if anybody could help me regarding a change in formula that I'm having trouble fixing.

    I have an IF formula combined with an ISERR formula in a UK spreadsheet. I sent it to my counterpart in Germany. The IF/ISERR seems to translate correctly but the commas (,) i the formula have changed to full-stops (.)

    I have amended these from full-stops to commas but still have an error on the formula so was wondering if anyone could give me any idea on anyother changes that may occur in such a formula between the countries.

    The formula that I'm trying to export is;

    =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP($O5,'TB 2009_01.xls'!period_list,B$1+2,FALSE))=TRUE,"",-(VLOOKUP($O5,'TB 2009_01.xls'!period_list,B$1+2,FALSE)))

    This translates to;

    =WENN(1STFEHLER(SVERWEIS($O5.'TB 2009_01.xls'!period_list.$B1+2.FALSCH))=WAHR."".-(SVERWEIS($O5.'TB 2009_01.xls'!period_list.$B1+2.FALSCH)))


    Last edited by AndySuk; 02-19-2009 at 06:29 AM.

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