You are a mind reader and a genius. Many thanks, I was able to get your first solution working with a slight modification that I discovered on my own as the site was down for repairs.. However, I am having trouble, perhaps with the syntax, on the second suggestion and I really would like to get rid of the zeros. I don't understand, where in the formula, you name the range (if you in fact do). When I follow that procedure, I get a VALUE response.

I need a dynamic range, we are constantly adding and subtracting from our master price list.

BTW, I see you are a rocket scientist. Can I add a signature to my posts "Yes, in fact I am a food scientist"? I can calculate bioavailability values, and I know what makes a great hamburger, but I admit to being out of my league when pure mathematics and logic is involved.

Thanks again for your help, it is appreciated.
