let me explain:
1 colunn
345697-new york
I need to take the name of the city to another colunn like this:
1º colunn 2º colunn
234567 roma
how I do that?
let me explain:
1 colunn
345697-new york
I need to take the name of the city to another colunn like this:
1º colunn 2º colunn
234567 roma
how I do that?
These formulas will split the data as you have requested.
Rule 1: Never merge cells
Rule 2: See rule 1
"Tomorrow I'm going to be famous. All I need is a tennis racket and a hat".
A solution without formulas :
Data - text to columns
Select "Delimited"
Input "-" ( no quotes) as delimiter
( if you always have 6 numbers followed by the dash, the " Fixed width" option might also do the job but you'll be left with a third column with the dash
Another option
Select data
Data menu
Text To Columns
Delimited option
Tick Other Checkbox & remove tick from all other checkboxes
enter - in the box to the right of the Other checkbox
Set column data format if required
Finish button
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thanks people,
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