I have an extensive workbook that I have created and since a lot of the data is repeated I created a set-up sheet.

On the set-up sheet, the teacher enters in the names of their students for all 8 periods.

These names are then placed repeatedly on every worksheet.

I have this formula ='Set-up Term1'!D3 in cell B2 of a worksheet. Then all the others on that worksheet that need to return the value entered in the set-up page D3 now reference B2 of that same worksheet.

And there are 27 worksheets. Each worksheet has that formula in cell B2.

Whenever I enter anything into D3 it takes FOREVER to load. And the teacher needs to enter in up to 35 students in 8 different periods. It would take a LONG time to enter all that data if it moves that slowly.

Is there anyway to speed this process up?