I have a whole list of phone numbers that have no dashes or spaces. I need to know how to insert dashes after the 3rd and 6th numbers to clean up the formatting
I have a whole list of phone numbers that have no dashes or spaces. I need to know how to insert dashes after the 3rd and 6th numbers to clean up the formatting
where A1 contains the original
Edit:You can then copy\Paste Special Values over the original column and delete the formula column.
Last edited by NBVC; 01-14-2009 at 03:00 PM. Reason: added Edit note
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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An alternative it so simply use custom formatting.
Format > Cells, on the Format tab, select Custom, and use ###-###-####
Text to Columns, delineate by fixed width at 3rd and 6th digit. Create a column of dashes between the area code and the first 3, then between the first 3 and last 4. Function _> concatenate _> select the 5 columns. Copy, paste the values.... tada!
Or you can do it the easy way ^![]()
Thanks to all, That worked
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