If there are no blank columns in the middle of your data, you could do something like this:
this will give you a total number of columns between Column B and Column IV on row 2 that are not blank. Modify as needed....
If you only have text (i.e., non-numerical data) in the columns, you could also do this:
which will allow you to count with a little more discretion. A question mark is a wildcard for any character formatted as text, and an asterick is a wildcard for anything (including nothing). Post back for more detail. Basically, "?*" will search for anything at least one character long, "????*" will search for any at least 4 characters long, "*hours billed*" will search for anything that contains the text "hours billed" (such as "22 hours billed & paid"), etc.
For some reason, the MATCH function doesn't work with wildcards; otherwise you could do something a little more elegant.