Looking at your posted workbook....
I believe the problem is in cell AU9
Try this:
Does that help?![]()
AU9: =SUMPRODUCT((0&F9:AT9)*(F12:AT12<>""))*100 or...an alternative structure: AU9: =SUMPRODUCT(F9:AT9,--(F12:AT12<>""))*100
Looking at your posted workbook....
I believe the problem is in cell AU9
Try this:
Does that help?![]()
AU9: =SUMPRODUCT((0&F9:AT9)*(F12:AT12<>""))*100 or...an alternative structure: AU9: =SUMPRODUCT(F9:AT9,--(F12:AT12<>""))*100
Last edited by Ron Coderre; 12-18-2008 at 11:06 AM. Reason: add an alternative formula
That gives me the same raw score for B12 but for all the rest it want work. I think the variable in AU9 has to apply to all students. In the original file I have over 20 students listed.
I think I understand....
IF...The Cumulative Weight Pct can be different for each student (based on
whether they have a score for a particular item), then try this:
Copy those formulas down for each student.![]()
Raw Score B12: =IF(COUNT(F12:AT12),ROUND(SUMPRODUCT($F$9:$AT$9,F12:AT12),2),"") Grade% C12: =IF(B12="","",B12/SUMIF(F12:AT12,"<>"&"",$F$9:$AT$9)/100) Ltr Grade D12: =IF(B12<>"",HLOOKUP(B12/SUMIF(F12:AT12,"<>"&"",$F$9:$AT$9)/100, GradeTable,2),"") GPA E12: =IF(B12<>"",HLOOKUP(B12/SUMIF(F12:AT12,"<>"&"",$F$9:$AT$9)/100, GradeTable,3),"")
HOWEVER...if the Cumulative Weight Pct is static for ALL students and
each pct is only used when ANY student has a score for that category,
then: I'd put Effective Weight Pct formulas under each Weight Pct to
determine if it's used or not:Then you can use your original formulas, but reference $AU$10, instead of $AU$9.![]()
F10: =F9*(COUNTIF(F12:F13,"<>"&"")>0) Copy that formula across. AU10: =SUM(F10:AT10)*100
Does that help?
Those Work Great. Thank you so much.
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