Range from AK1:AK8 to AT1:AT8. These are eight rows, total eighty entries. Can a formula or conditional formitting determine if there are duplicates values in eighty entries . The need is not column-based rather row based. Thanks.
Flower R
Range from AK1:AK8 to AT1:AT8. These are eight rows, total eighty entries. Can a formula or conditional formitting determine if there are duplicates values in eighty entries . The need is not column-based rather row based. Thanks.
Flower R
Last edited by Flower R; 12-17-2008 at 09:59 PM.
What exactly does this mean?
The need is not column-based rather row based
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Still don't get it.
Are you trying to compare AK1 to AT1, AK2 to AT2, AK3 to AT3, etc...
or do you want to compare AK1 to AK2:AK8 and AK1 to AT1:AT8, the AK2 to all those, etc?
If you're looking to highlight every value that appears anywhere in those 80 cells more than once, use Conditional Formatting. Highlight the entire range, and enter this:
Condition1: FormulaIs =COUNTIF($AK$1:$ATL$8,AK1)>1
Click Format > Patterns and pick a background color.
If you want to just compare across one row, highlight then entire range and enter:
Condition1: FormulaIs =COUNTIF($AK1:$AT1,AK1)>1
...and set your background color.
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Remember that the entire row will be deleted not just the range.
- - excelmarksway
Last edited by excelmarksway; 12-16-2008 at 04:10 PM.
It means this:
Col 1 Col2 Col3
5 Smith Street
5 Smith Street
5 Smith Road
- - excelmarksway
Hmmmm.. then I am not sure the guy's posts make any sense...
Oh well.
Just for my own interest, which of the two formulas fit your needs? The "anywhere in 80 cells" formula, or the "anywhere on a single row" formula?
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