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Help with a mega argument formula

  1. #1
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    Help with a mega argument formula

    Hi, i am new here. I have tried searching the net for examples to help me with a formula i am trying to create and i was led here. hope someone here can help me out.

    what i am trying to do, is have a argument formula (i think) that return multiple options if various condtiond are met.

    I have the first argument right, returning the correct answer without a problem, however i need to add to this.

    EG: =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=1,B3=11,B3=21,B3=31,B3=41) , "1,11,21,31", ""))

    The above is set in cell D3 and works, so if the value of B3 is either 1,11,21,31 or 41, the result in D3 is 1,11,21,31.

    Now what i need it to do aswell is, if B3 is any other value, D3's result needs to be different.

    I have coded the rest of the formulas, but can not string it together into one argument for B3, always returns an error.

    So the below arguments should follow the above:

    =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=2,B3=12,B3=22,B3=32,B3=42) , "2,12,22,32", ""))
    =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=3,B3=13,B3=23,B3=33,B3=43) , "3,13,23,33", ""))
    =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=4,B3=14,B3=24,B3=34,B3=44) , "4,14,24,34", ""))
    =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=5,B3=15,B3=25,B3=35,B3=45) , "5,15,25,35", ""))
    =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=6,B3=16,B3=26,B3=36,B3=46) , "6,16,26,36", ""))
    =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=7,B3=17,B3=27,B3=37,B3=47) , "7,17,27", ""))
    =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=8,B3=18,B3=28,B3=38,B3=48) , "8,18,28 ", ""))
    =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=9,B3=19,B3=29,B3=39,B3=49) , "9,19,29", ""))
    =IF(B3="","",IF(OR(B3=0,B3=10,B3=20,B3=30,B3=40) , "0,10,20,30", ""))

    In a nut shell, B3 has a value, a single cell argument needs to determine if the value in B3 is met and return a specific result in cell D3.

    Any idea's......

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert martindwilson's Avatar
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    or use a simple look up sort by first column ascending
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