I want to solve this problem. I have 2 sheet (Employees and Observation)I want to show the employee who suitable which my requires in sheet Observation: Have the first letter of Postcode is 2,Salary base is 30000,work part time, speak Chinese and least education is high school.
E.g. do an IF to see if a 1 appears in the correct state column and if it does get the VLOOKUP to return that actual postcode of the person. If the postcode does not match the state then return “No suitable”. Do the same with another columns on sheet Observation.It means:
Emp.Code Postcode Salary workload skills
E081 Not suitable 30000 not suitable not suitable
E043 Not suitable 30000 parttime not suitable
E062 2001 30000 parttime Chinese
E052 2008 30000 not suitable not suitable
E001 2004 Not suitable parttime Chinese