I have a system on Excel, where the user will enter a Target Profit for a hotels sales over a fortnight.
I have created a what-if scenario with various different profit values using different percentages of discount for room rates etc.
On one page, where the Target Profit is inputted, I want to use a function on Excel to find the nearest value to the target profit from the what-if scenario results.
For example:
The user enters the target profit £13,000.
The formula will then check the target profit against the what-if scenario results and find the nearest value eg. £13,003
At the moment I am using HLOOKUP to find the nearest profit, which works to an extent but doesn't find the actual nearest value, only the nearest which isn't higher than the number inputted (target profit)
For example:
The user inputs £13,000 as the target profit.
The nearest value on the what-if scenario is £13,050, however, because it is higher than £13,000, the result of the HLOOKUP is £12,100.
If anyone could help I would be very grateful.