If the numbers, as they are currently, all start with a specific character - eg, a space, a 9, a ( you can do a find & replace using that character. I find this is easier to copy & paste into Word, convert table to text, Find ^p9 (hard return followed by a 9, so that it doesn't replace ALL 9s) and Replace with ^p19 - this is very simplistic way.
Or you can do directly in Excel. Add a new column before the column with your numbers. If your 1st number is in position B3, but a 1 in position A3. Then select that row (or just the selection matching your numbers) and go to Edit/Fill/Down. It will put 1s in all the cells.
Then in column C3, put this formula: =A3&B3 - this will concatenate the 2 cells, merging the data into the 1 cell.
The thing is that the concatenated cell requires the A3 & B3 for it to stay put. So either hide columns A & B (so the users don't see them but they're there for your concatenation formula).
OR if you really don't want those columns A & B, take the concatenated row C, select & paste it into Word, go to Table/Convert/Table to Text. This just puts the concatenated number - not the formula. Then copy & paste that back into Excel.
Hope this helps!