Here are a couple thoughts....
1) You could change the definition of the "Normal" style on
a sheet and save that sheet as your sheet template
(by saving it in the XLSTART folder as SHEET.xlt)
Note: you'd also need to alter your default workbook template
the same way (saving it as BOOK.XLT, though)
From the Excel Main Menu:
Style Name: Normal
Click [Modify]
Change: the number format
OR...Perhaps a simple keyboard shortcut...
• Select the cell(s)
• Hold down CTRL and SHIFT and press ! (<-exclamation mark)
That will set those cells to comma separated values with 2 decimal places.
Example: 1,234.56
Other keyboard shortcuts:
CTRL+SHIFT+$......Sets currency, 2 decimal places ($1,234.56)
CTRL+SHIFT+%......Sets percent, 0 decimal places (27%)
Does any of that help?