First of all i am neither a native speaker nor do i live in an English speaking country, so excuse my English for any misunderstandings.
in my company, there are almost 30 people around the city; walking around and selling goods.. (i dont own the company by the way, i wish i did) each day they are sending a report for each point they visited and amount of goods they sold, and i am paying them based on their sellings. i was trying to record all these on a daily basis, using very simple excel chart (like taking sum of the cells, using some filtering
), but when it comes to answer some questions (i mean to take some reports) this basic excel formulation is not enough. i know that excel is so much powerful than the way i use it, so i need help in improving both my excel knowledge and the program i am usin by now. so if anybody is willing to help me with this, i may discuss my needs and listen to his/her comments on them. Thanks in advance an take care u all.... Hamit / Turkiye