Hello again,
I would like to title columns based on values from other cells...
Where "1" (Column F) identifies the rows that meet the criteria (>=70%)![]()
A B C D E F G H I 1 123 12 15 80% 1 2 124 22 39 56% 3 125 22 35 63% 4 234 12 15 80% 1 5 235 17 28 61% 6 236 6 11 55% 7 345 17 23 74% 1 8 346 21 33 64% 9 347 21 32 66%
So...Column G (Cell G1) would be 123, H (Cell H1) would be 234, I (Cell I1) would be 345.
I know the identifier is probably not necessary, but I thought it'd be easier, but I didn't figure it out even with it.
I had a column assigned to each number, but my document ended up having like 100 columns! It would be best to only use columns for rows that meet the criteria.