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Using the Binomial Distribution function in excel

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Thats amazing, thank you very much SHG

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    You're welcome, thanks for the feedback.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Hi SHG,

    I've gone over the excellent piece of code that you contributed a few times and think that there is a small anomoly but cannot figure out exactly where.

    I set up a small tool to use the function and think that the percentage split for heads and tails is being amplified too much when you seperate them.

    When they are split 50/50 the results look correct but any other weighting looks wrong when I've experimented. I'll give a few examples:

    50/50 split and the goal is first to reach 5 successes (best of 9):

    Chances of either side winning (50%/50%)

    2-1 (57%/43%)
    3-1 (67%/33%)
    4-1 (80%/20%)
    3-2 (50%/40%)
    4-2 (75%/25%)
    4-3 (67%/33%)

    Like I said before these look to be bang on in terms of reflecting the chances of either side winning.

    In a 60/40 split with the same goal however I get these results:

    Chances of either side winning (88%/12%) ???

    2-1 (85%/15%)
    3-1 (88%/12%) ???
    4-1 (92%/8%)
    3-2 (81%/19%)
    4-2 (88%/12%) ???
    4-3 (79%/21%)

    With a 60/40 split the tails (40% side) has to get to a score of 0-4 before it is considered more likely to win which surely cannot be correct.

    Have I applied the piece of code that you made me wrong or is there a simple solution the problem? I have attached a copy of the spreadsheet that I was using on here (the cells using the formula are in D13 and D14)

    Once again, thanks for all of your help up until now I really appreciate it.


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  4. #4
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    As I tried to explain (and apparently not well), that's not what the code calculates.

    Start flipping a coin, and in a column, write down the running total, adding one for each heads and subtracting 1 for each tails. This is a random walk; if 9 tosses went


    the column would read

    +1, +2, +1, +2, +1, 0, -1, 0, +1.

    The code calculates the probability that you get to (say) +3 before getting to (say) -5. Capische?

    The code keeps flipping until the probability of one event or the other occurring (e.g., reaching +3 or -5) is 99.99% (which converges quickly with a biased coin), and then scales the numbers upward to total 100%.

    Simulating a finite number of flips (e.g., best of 9) could be done with a slight modification.

    Edit: In fact, for 'best of' trials, you can just use the BINOMDIST function.
    Last edited by shg; 10-17-2008 at 11:43 AM.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    ... for example,
          ---A--- --B--- -----C----- ----D-----
      1   # Flips nHeads prob(Heads) Heads Wins
      2      3      2        60%       64.8%   
      3      4      3        60%       47.5%   
      4      5      4        60%       33.7%   
      5      5      3        60%       68.3%   
      6      6      4        60%       54.4%   
      7      7      4        60%       71.0%
    Row 2 is interpreted as, "In three flips of a coin biased to flip heads 60% of the time, what's the probability of flipping two or more heads? (64.8%)

    The array formula in D2 and copied down is

    =SUM(BINOMDIST( ROW(INDIRECT(B2 + 1 & ":" & A2 + 1) ) - 1, A2, C2, FALSE))
    Last edited by shg; 10-17-2008 at 12:04 PM.

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