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Leaving cell blank if certain value

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    Question Leaving cell blank if certain value

    Good morning,
    Sorry to bother you, but I am stuck and would be most grateful if someone could point me in the right direction please, or let me know if not possible so I can stop tearing my hair out!!
    I have a spreadsheet table which shows different things but in particular has a column of data ranging from numbers 1 to 23. I carry forward these numbers to display in a different table, so am simply linking from the second table into the first to bring that data forward (literally using formula =B1, in top cell, =B2 in second cell and so on). That's fine.
    However I would like to be able to show a blank for any occurences of numbers 4, 14 and 24.
    Is there a formula that I could use to firstly carry forward the data, but to then leave blank if the value is either 4, 14 or 24?
    Last edited by oldchippy; 11-09-2008 at 11:43 AM.

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