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Auto-populate cell based on values in other cells

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cyndimei Auto-populate cell based on... 08-21-2008, 03:04 PM
ChemistB I would set up a table with... 08-21-2008, 03:23 PM
cyndimei This worked perfectly, thank... 08-21-2008, 05:29 PM
ChemistB Glad it worked.:) ChemistB 08-22-2008, 10:35 AM
ssa9320 If I want to populate from a... 10-03-2008, 02:46 PM
ChemistB If your multiple products... 10-03-2008, 03:02 PM
ssa9320 Sample excel document 10-03-2008, 03:11 PM
VBA Noob Thread closed. Please... 10-03-2008, 03:12 PM
ssa9320 Yes, how do I get it over to... 10-03-2008, 03:07 PM
  1. #2
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    I would set up a table with your products in column A of a different sheet in your workbook and prices for Option 1 in B and Op 2 in C. Then I would use the INDEX and MATCh functions to find the proper values. As per your example, the formula in column D copied down would be
    where "Products" is a named range referrring to sheet2!A2:A20. Take a look at the attachment and let us know if you have any questions.

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