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Date Reversal

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    Date Reversal


    I am using a formula to find the oldest date of a list of dates depending on what country an item is from. In my place of work we use profiles so anyone can log on to any computer and access all of their own details etc.

    When I use the formula the date is returned correctly in the UK format (DD/MM/YY), and another of my colleagues also. However on some other profiles, the numbers (not the actual dates) are reversed to the American style (MM/DD/YY). The file that the formula is part of is remotely stored, so the formatting does not change.

    I am sure there is some local excel setting that is reversing the dates, does anyone have any idea where I might find it? Or any idea how to stop the change.

    Unfortunately it is not a simple case of 3-august-08 appearing as August-3-08, instead it appears as 8-march-08. (month titles only used for ease, I the formula uses numbers).

    Last edited by oldchippy; 11-09-2008 at 11:55 AM.

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