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How to learn a computer language especially VBA

  1. #1
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    How to learn a computer language especially VBA


    I just thought I would post this question as I have spent the last week revising an Excel VBA course I did in 2006, and after a whisky to take my mind off things last night, now have a few questions on this subject:

    I am generally interested in learning theory, whether this involves training a dog to sit, horse to trot etc. Clearly when we were at school, some of us were better at learning languages and others not. Some language learning took place through pictures i.e. this is an apple (to learn this in English) and once we had learnt what it was we would later learn the Spanish for apple being manzana.

    Clearly, learning a computer language for a beginner is a far from simple exercise.

    Looking through my notes the only hint I have really found as to a sequence of events is: Declare Variables, Initialise variables, Assign values to variables, Output Result. There are also other notes on Object Models.

    Really, what I would like to say is a) is there a set of rules for these sequence of events ? b) is there a translation for all the sequence of events (much like you would have from Spanish to English)?

    My understanding is that some programmers copy out reams of code from the internet without a real understading (ie. translation and understanding of sequence of events). If that is the case it must surely be a highly unrewarding excercise!

    Are there any good sources of materials of this? From what I can see in bookshops most of the books are 500 pages long with long explanations for examples. Quite frankly most people would not have the time or concentration levels for this. Was wondering if there is anything that simplifies things and/or is interactive?



  2. #2
    Forum Expert Simon Lloyd's Avatar
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    All the ones my homepage shows
    Moved to Misc forum.
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  3. #3
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    You might want to try some of the VBA tutorials listed on this list in Excel General

    I tend to learn best through practical examples so just looking and trying some of the things on this board has helped me tremendously.

    Last edited by ChemistB; 08-05-2008 at 08:30 AM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert dominicb's Avatar
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    Good afternoon tigertim71

    I would recommend you start by using the macro recorder (Tools > Macro > Record New Macro) to record repetitive tasks in some of your spreadsheets. In the back ground this will record basic VBA code. Then go into the VBE (Visual Basic Environment) and have a look at the code created. This will give you a basic idea of the syntax and how it works.

    Keep using the recorder and gradually you will find that you can fill bits in and extend the usefulness of your code. This is where variable will come in, as the recorder can't handle these - same goes for structured decisions, loops etc. As you get more proficient you will discover that you can actually increase the speed of your recorded code by not selecting items to manipulate them - just point VBA to them.

    You will soon find that you can write portions of code without recourse to the recorder. Of course dipping (and helping out ) on forums like this and doing web based research, or buying a book will help you along, but there's no substitute for diving in and finding things out for yourself.

    HTH. Good luck

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