Hi. I use Excel 2002. I am working with several workbooks open at the same time. I know that if you want each workbook to have a separate icon on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, you have to activate this feature by going to Tools/Option and then selecting the "Windows in Taskbar" box and that you should also de-select the “Group similar taskbar buttons” in the Start/Properties. But I have done so and still do not get separate task icons on the Taskbar for each workbook. Instead, to access the separate workbooks and switch between them, I need to go to the Windows menu and then click the workbook I want to use on the list that appears there (or by clicking Ctrl & Tab). Does anyone know what might be blocking the "Windows in taskbar" feature to work as it should? Could this be a virus or other aspect that conflicts with this feature?
Thanks much.