Hiya, I'm using excel to make a simple webpage.
For one part of it, I wanted to make a cell where the user can type s band name, e.g. 'The Twelves'. For ease we'll say this is cell A1.
Then there is a hyperlink formula in cell B1, which looks as follows:
=HYPERLINK("http://searchservice.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=sitesearch.results&type=Music&qry="&SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","+")&"&submit=Search"
However, once I've upload the webpage, I've seen that the user can't edit/insert text in cell A1.
Is there any way to make a text bar or something that the user can type into AND that can be linked to formulas in other cells. Or is there any other way of doing what I want to do?