Is it possible to define an alphabetic sequence and then sort a column of data according to it?
For example, say if the sequence was a, i, o, u, k, g, p, s, f, e.
king would come before goat, but goat would come before get.
thank you very much.
Is it possible to define an alphabetic sequence and then sort a column of data according to it?
For example, say if the sequence was a, i, o, u, k, g, p, s, f, e.
king would come before goat, but goat would come before get.
thank you very much.
Not sure exactly what you are trying to achieve here but it may be possible to add an extra column to your table with a formula that defines a=1, i=2....etc
And then sort by this column.. You either do this with nested if statements if you are not using many letters or you may need to use a vlookup table if there are more items needed.
If you could post an example of what you are trying to achieve, I could help further
Here's exactly what I am trying to do. I have transliterated some Sanskrit words into IAST (International Alphabet for Sanskrit Transliteration). However, I cannot alphabetize these words using the tool in Excel because the Sanskrit alphabet is not in the same order as the English one (that is, in its transliterated form).
The order of the Sanskrit alphabet is: a, ā, i, ī, u, ū, ṛ, ṝ, ḷ, ṃ, ḥ, e, ai, o, au, k, kh, g, gh, ṅ, c, ch, j, jh, ñ, ṭ, ṭh, ḍ, ḍh, ṇ, t, th, d, dh, n, p, ph, b, bh, m, y, r, l, v, ś, ṣ, s, h.
The words need to be ordered according to this alphabet.
For example, the word ago comes before ārtha; kanti comes before khanva and so on.
Thank you.
Have you tried changing the language that excel is working with?
Yes, tried that.
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