You'll need Conditional Formatting...
see here for details....
You'll need Conditional Formatting...
see here for details....
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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Thanks for the link - I've tried conditional formatting and although it works as it says in the article, I can't get it to work for dropdown boxes.
I have a column which contains a drop down with the options of 'Low', 'Med', 'High'
When 'High' is selected I would like the row to highlight red.
Using conditional formatting, I can only get this to work with manually entered data, rather than the option from a drop down
So say, column A has your drop down lists... and you want to hightlight rows from column A:Z
First select entire range, A1:Z100 (assuming row 100 is last row)
Invoke the Conditional Formatting
Choose Formula Is from 1st drop down and enter formula =$A1="High"
where A1 is top-left most cell in your selection (note the $ sign.. this is important as it maintains reference to column A throughout the sheet).
Choose your format
If you want more conditions... click Add and continue with similar formulas...
Thanks again for your help - I'm afraid I couldn't get that to work - nothing highlights when I select the option from the drop down that I want to trigger the formatting.Originally Posted by NBVC
Maybe you can attach a copy of your spreadsheet and I will try to apply the format for you.
Note: I have assumed your dropdown list is a result of Data Validation. If it is a combobox instead, then you will need to assign the cell beneath the combobox... and then the Conditional formatting will be =$A$1=3 where 3 represents the third entry in your list which would correspond to "high"
Last edited by NBVC; 07-09-2008 at 10:32 AM.
Thank you very much, hopefully you should find attached a template of the spreadsheet.Originally Posted by NBVC
Note: Drop down source is in Sheet2
The Column headed ‘Priority’ (H), contains the drop down. When ‘High’ is selected from the list I would like that row to highlight red.
Wouln't you know it? The word "High" in cell A1 of Sheet2 contains an extraneous space at the end. Please delete that space and then go back to sheet 1 and reselect "High" in the drop downs of column H.
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