Heyya, folks. First post. I've used Excel for years but am only now digging past the immediate surface.

I'm working up (90% complete from my original idea) a baseball stat tracker sheet. It will be a log for game stats (each game on it's own sheet) which auto-compiles/figures the stats on another sheet. As I build on this I continue to think of new ways to track stats or player performance.

So today I thought it would be neat to graph a player's batting average as he/she progresses through the season. It'd just be a simple line graph. I'd compute his game 1 batting average and it'd be graphed. His game two average would be average with his game 1 and that'd make up his avg. to date by game two. Game/section 3 would be his average up through game three, and so on.

My goal with all of this is to be able to log each game's stats on it's own page and have all other stats auto-figured on the fly, which I currently have. However, I'm unsure if I can do this with a graph. Is it possible to have a graph created on the fly as data accumulates? If I was able to do this, I would still accomplish logging game stats and that would be left as the ONLY logging of data. Everything else is self-computed.

My goal of a player's batting average progression by name would probably hinge on my first graphing question. Again about the average, I'd like to have the graph show the players batting average to date by game, so I could see whether or not he/she is improving throughout the season. So if I'm able to have a graph be created on the fly, I could have this 'stat.'

I can post sample data of what I have when I get home, but I don't know if that's necessary for my questions. Thanks for any help. If I can do this I think it would be a very valuable addition to my layout.