Hello. I have a sheet that looks like this:
2|Name1___|__1/1/00__|__12:00___|__Notes here__|___User1____|
3|Name2___|__1/5/01__|___2:00___|__Notes here__|___User1____|
4|Name2___|__6/4/02__|___5:00___|__Notes here__|___User2____|
5|Name3___|__5/4/00__|___1:00___|__Notes here__|___User1____|
Every note is on its own row, I want to 1) combine rows with the same contact name 2) add a blank line in between 3) Resulting A will be one instance of the name. The above table would now look like this:
2|Name1___|__1/1/00__|__12:00___|__Notes here__|___User1____|
3|Name2___|__1/5/01__|___2:00___|__Notes here__|___User1____|
4|blank blank| blank blank| blank blank| blank blank bla|nk blank blank |
5|__________|__6/4/02__|___5:00___|__Notes here__|___User2____|
6|Name3___|__5/4/00__|___1:00___|__Notes here__|___User1____|
PLEASE HELP! Thank you in advance.