Excel 2003
Across 25 consecutive sheets I wish to File:Save:"extract" the identical range Z3..AF64 in each sheet and save this 3D range to one grand (stacked) text file (ie the range extracted from each sheet is stacked vertically in the output .txt)

NB In Lotus 123 you simply highlight the 3D range and "Save the Selected Range" as .TXT if the File|Save Dialogue.

Below is LotusScript code that automates this task in 123

' ----------------------------------------------------- AdjEdit_dump
[Window 1].Activate
Selection.Reshape [UR_:Z3..CPIFD_:AF64]
[<<C:\data\WS3\RES_AVE8_EIU.123>>].TextCodePage = $DOS
Selection.RangeExtract "C:\clients\EIU\RES_dmp\EIU_AdjEdit_dump.TXT",,"Text (TXT)",False,"",$ExtractValuesAndFormulas
' -------------------------------------------------------

Any thoughts on how to achieve the above in Excel 2003 appreciated.
Are there any add-ins to achieve this (simple !) task in Excel or will it require VBA code ?