
I have an excel template we use to import product data into one of our systems. I need to find the correct "formula" that would allow us to select from a drop in one sheet, the correct category and then automatically update the cell next to it with the categories correct "ID". All of our categories and category ID's are in the same workbook but in a different sheet. We can use the drop down now, which shows all the categories in the sheet, but it will not include the category ID. I tried to attach our import book but no luck.

The "import layout" sheet includes the "category ID" and "category" headers. The category column has a drop down which is derived from sheet "categories". In sheet "categories" you see the actual category listing and in the adjoining cell, it's corresponding "ID".

When the correct category is selected on the importlayout sheet, the corresponding (and correct) category ID needs to populate the "category ID" cell.

How do I do this?