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calculate the commission for each client automaticaly

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  1. #1
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    calculate the commission for each client automaticaly


    This is my first post on here and I am not very savy with the excel. I am trying to get the attached spreadsheet to calculate the commission for each client automaticaly.
    I want the function to calculate it if COMPANY is so and so and POLICY TYPE is so and so then COMMISSION should equal certain percantage of PREMIUM.

    I am dealing with only few companies and each will have two different policy types (different % for each type).

    Does my explanation make sense? I can provide more details if needed. but thats pretty much it.

    What is the formula for this?

    Thank you kindly for your help.
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  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Shijesh Kumar's Avatar
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    This is quite simple in excel.. however you mentioned that commission will be certain percentage of premium.. is this fixed...

    if not can you provide what percentage of premium will be the commission...

    probably 2 or 3 examples with sample data and calculation will be helpful

    Basically i want to know the condition which determine the commission..
    eg. if the company is xyz and policy type is one then percentage of premium will be 15%.
    otherwise if company type is abc and the policy type is tow then percentage of premium will be 20%..
    A detailed table of this condition is need to write the query
    Last edited by Shijesh Kumar; 06-07-2008 at 12:50 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    thanks for your reply

    commission is a set percentage for a given company and given policy type, for example Travelers auto policy pays 15% of the premium and 12% on the home, Safeco Home pays 10% and auto 20%.

    I would like the program to recognize the name of company and type of policy and apply the appropriate commission percentage.

    I attached the new file with an example in there.
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    Last edited by mszumins; 06-07-2008 at 01:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor Shijesh Kumar's Avatar
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    Bangalore / India
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    For this you need to create a table which containe the company name , policy type and percentage...
    Eg... See Column K , L , and M.

    Then you need to you the formula which I have typed in Column I.

    Dont type the Curly braces in the forumla "{}".
    Do not press Enter Key.
    After the formula is typed press Ctrl + shift + enter.
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  5. #5
    Registered User
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    thank you again. you rock.

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