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How to create a Drill down filter/formula

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kapanenship How to create a Drill down... 05-19-2008, 12:24 AM
rylo Hi How many routes would... 05-19-2008, 12:30 AM
kapanenship reply with attachement 05-19-2008, 07:16 PM
  1. #1
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    How to create a Drill down filter/formula

    I need to know how to create a way to enter criteria in one cell and additional criteria in another cell and have it pull that from two seperate lists and add them together.....Another words drill down through the lists to give me the correct data at the end.

    I have a sheet that is showing the travel distance between locations.

    In order for all possible senerios, I had to gather data on the distance from every location to itself.

    So how do I enter one location and then another location and have excel tell me the distance.
    Once that is done, i want it to add that total to another locations distance which is also pulled from the data list.

    I am sure this is about as clear as mud.....

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Brisbane, Australia
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    How many routes would there be from town1 to town2? If there is only one, and your data table was 3 columns (start town, end town, distance), then you could use SUMPRODUCT to get the distance.

    If there are multiple routes and all are entered, then what result do you want? The min distance, or the total of all distances???

    Perhaps to help clarify, an example spreadsheet with representative data and expected result would help.


  3. #3
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    reply with attachement

    I am a district manager for a team of people that merchandise retail stores. We pay mileage and travel time. So as you can see in the attachement I have worked out all possible senerios of what store my employee can go to.

    What I am wanting is a place where I can enter store 1 (say 1003) and then enter store 2 (say 1004) and it will sort through this list and give me the distance and time of travel....

    If this can go up to seven locations would be great.

    See the issue is that it will have to sort through the list on its own and add the totals together.

    I hope this is a good enough explanation.

    I have boxed off an example of what I need it to do. The yellow area is where the formula would have to be...

    Any suggestions would be great...If I am looking at this wrong.
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