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Excel Generate List from Multiple Sheets

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Scorpio Excel Generate List from... 05-08-2008, 08:09 AM
ravishankar macro 05-11-2008, 07:00 AM
Scorpio Hi Ravi Thanks, this... 05-15-2008, 05:06 PM
ravishankar macro 05-15-2008, 10:43 PM
Scorpio Hi I tried this code and... 05-16-2008, 11:43 AM
ravishankar Hi You are not wrong. I have... 05-16-2008, 01:20 PM
  1. #1
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    Excel Generate List from Multiple Sheets

    I am using Office 2003 and I have an excel share portfolio. I use it to keep track of my shares and unit trusts (mutual funds). Now I have a separate sheet for each share / fund, And a manually prepared summary sheet in the same spreadsheet I use for tracking, returns on dividends / interest as well as market performance and on the same summary sheet I summarise all the information, have it summarised in a date sensitive format. So I know my way around most of the usual sorts of formula found in excel.

    What I am wanting is [and I have a sneaky suspicion that I will be needing a DBASE worksheet function (which I have no idea how to use), I am hoping for an option that does not need this ] to be able to generate a list of shares on a summary sheet based on the number of main sheets.

    - Eg: The tabs I will have are as follows
    > Summary
    > Cash Account
    > Shares start --->
    > Share 1
    > Share 2
    > Share 3
    > Share 4
    > <--- Shares End

    - In the same cell in each share tab, there is the share code, for example, C12.

    - Now on the summary sheet, at A3 for instance, I want a formula to read cell C12 on Share 1, then A4, to read cell C12 on Share 2, and so on…..

    - I would like it to be able to self update, so should I sell Share 2 and buy Share 5 – I want the summary sheet to be updated with the new information of share 5 and have Share 2 deleted (and this is not critical, maybe have the list alphabetically sorted)

    - I can do this manually, but this is very time consuming and sometimes can have the occasional formula error as there are so many to change and I can only pick up the change a month or 2 later when it comes around to me reconciling the cash accounts for the investment account. I am hoping to automate this as much as possible

    I hope there is a non DBASE way to do this, and if it is the only way, would it be possible to have an example of formula to help me understand the concept.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    paste the following codes in the macro window ( Alt F11 Insert > module)

    sub summary()
    dim a as integer
    for a = 3 to sheets.count
    worksheets("Summary").cells(a,1) = worksheets(a).name
    worksheets("Summary").cells(a,2) = worksheets(a).cells(12,3)
    next a
    end sub
    run the macro.It lists the tab names in col A and corresponding C12 values i col B

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Hi Ravi

    Thanks, this helps. I am still trying to understand how this works, it seems fairly simple, but since i have never used VB before it looks a ad daunting. I do have one question:

    How would i modify that VB code to include a worksheet cut-off? ie: I want it to pull the names between the start & end tabs, but if something is past the end tab, it wont be included. I ask this as i have other tabs beyond it that I don't want included in the summary.

    Many thanks


  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
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    try these codes
    sub summary()
    dim a as integer,c as integer
    dim b as string
    for a = 1 to sheets.count
    b= worksheets(a).name
    if instr(b,"share") > 0 then
    worksheets("Summary").cells(c,1) = b
    worksheets("Summary").cells(c,2) = worksheets(a).cells(12,3)
    c= c+1
    next a
    end sub
    Run the macro. it will list all sheets which contains the string "share"

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    I tried this code and it keeps giving me an error

    "Compile Error
    Next without For"

    what could i be doing wrong. I am replacing the old code with the new one.



  6. #6
    Forum Contributor
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    You are not wrong. I have missed a code End if It should be inserted before Next a try this modification. it should work

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