I am using Office 2003 and I have an excel share portfolio. I use it to keep track of my shares and unit trusts (mutual funds). Now I have a separate sheet for each share / fund, And a manually prepared summary sheet in the same spreadsheet I use for tracking, returns on dividends / interest as well as market performance and on the same summary sheet I summarise all the information, have it summarised in a date sensitive format. So I know my way around most of the usual sorts of formula found in excel.
What I am wanting is [and I have a sneaky suspicion that I will be needing a DBASE worksheet function (which I have no idea how to use), I am hoping for an option that does not need this] to be able to generate a list of shares on a summary sheet based on the number of main sheets.
- Eg: The tabs I will have are as follows
> Summary
> Cash Account
> Shares start --->
> Share 1
> Share 2
> Share 3
> Share 4
> <--- Shares End
- In the same cell in each share tab, there is the share code, for example, C12.
- Now on the summary sheet, at A3 for instance, I want a formula to read cell C12 on Share 1, then A4, to read cell C12 on Share 2, and so on…..
- I would like it to be able to self update, so should I sell Share 2 and buy Share 5 – I want the summary sheet to be updated with the new information of share 5 and have Share 2 deleted (and this is not critical, maybe have the list alphabetically sorted)
- I can do this manually, but this is very time consuming and sometimes can have the occasional formula error as there are so many to change and I can only pick up the change a month or 2 later when it comes around to me reconciling the cash accounts for the investment account. I am hoping to automate this as much as possible
I hope there is a non DBASE way to do this, and if it is the only way, would it be possible to have an example of formula to help me understand the concept.